A Dead Tree – Zion Winter


A Dead Tree – Zion Winter –  Zion National Park, Utah

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Visiting these parks during the off-season is always a special experience. The crowds are sparse, and the conditions can be quite intriguing. We visited Zion right after Christmas in 2022 and found a winter wonderland with snow and dynamic weather. The near-empty park provided an ideal setting for exploration.

During our time in Zion, we encountered a mix of snow, fog, and clouds. Most of our days were spent in the high country, exploring the trails off Mount Carmel Highway. While hiking, I came across this striking scene: a lone tree standing amidst light fog, with the rock formations framing it beautifully. The contrast between the red rock below and the cooler gray rock above made the dead tree stand out even more. It was a moment that truly captured the serene yet dramatic atmosphere of Zion in winter.Zion National Park in winter, featuring a lone tree surrounded by light fog. The image captures the contrast between the red rock formations below and the cooler gray rocks above, highlighting the serene and dramatic atmosphere. This photo was taken off the Mount Carmel Highway in the high country, with a snowy, cloudy backdrop after Christmas 2022.

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